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March 23, 2003: U.S. Marines from the Task Force Tarawa are
caught up in one of the most unexpected battles of the Iraq War.
What started off as a routine maneuver to secure two key bridges in
the town of Nasiriyah in southern Iraq degenerated into a
nightmarish twenty-four-hour urban clash in which eighteen young
Marines lost their lives and more than thirty-five others were
wounded. It was the single heaviest loss suffered by the U.S.
military during the initial combat phase of the war.
On that fateful day, Marines came across the burned-out remains of
a U.S. Army convoy that had been ambushed by Saddam Hussein’s
forces outside Nasiriyah. In an attempt to rescue the missing
soldiers and seize the bridges before the Iraqis could destroy
them, the Marines decided to advance their attack on the city by
twenty-four hours. What happened next is a gripping and gruesome
tale of military blunders, tragedy, and heroism.
Huge M1 tanks leading the attack were rendered ineffective when
they became mired in an open sewer. Then a company of Marines took
a wrong turn and ended up on a deadly stretch of road where their
armored personal carriers were hit by devastating rocket-propelled
grenade fire. USAF planes called in for fire support play their own
part in the unfolding cataclysm when they accidentally strafed the
vehicles. The attempt to rescue the dead and dying stranded in
“ambush alley” only drew more Marines into the slaughter.
This was not a battle of modern technology, but a brutal
close-quarter urban knife fight that tested the Marines’ resolve
and training to the limit. At the heart of the drama were the fifty
or so young Marines, most of whom had never been to war, who were
embroiled in a battle of epic proportions from which neither their
commanders nor the technological might of the U.S. military could
save them.
With a novelist’s gift for pace and tension, Tim Pritchard
brilliantly captures the chaos, panic, and courage of the fight for
Nasiriyah, bringing back in full force the day that a perfunctory
task turned into a battle for survival.
"Ambush Alley" is a gut-wrenching account of unadulterated
terror that's hard to read yet impossible to put down. London-based
journalist and filmmaker Tim Pritchard, who was embedded with US
troops during the initial stages of the American-led invasion of
Iraq, paints a compelling picture of one of the costliest battles
of the Iraq war that will at turns anger, horrify, and sadden,
regardless of one's political views."
--The Boston Globe
From the Hardcover edition.
Tim Pritchard is a London-based journalist and filmmaker who has
made several award-winning documentaries for the BBC, Channel 4,
PBS, and the Discovery Channel. This is his first book.
From the Hardcover edition.
“Pritchard’s excellently reported narrative details the
bloodiest American military operation of the U.S.-led invasion of
Iraq, the fight for Nasiriyah. Impossible to put down, it is a
gripping account of SNAFUs, chaos, and heroism in a savage fight
between U.S. Marines and Iraqi forces in the heart of a densely
populated city, with several hundred thousand civilians caught in
the crossfire. Ambush Alley offers a disturbing view into the
down-and-dirty level of warfare which at the time was largely
hidden from the American public.”
–Evan Wright, bestselling author of Generation Kill
“Tim Pritchard writes about men in war like very few dare to try.
By the tenth or so page into his book you are no longer simply
observing the action from your couch potato ass, you are with the
young Marines, riding along with them in the back of an AMTRAK
troop transport, sensing the ‘feel’ of combat,
taking indiscriminate RPG rounds, and fired on by misdirected,
fearsome A-10 ground attack jets. Ambush Alley truly takes you into
the crucible of battle. It gives a new meaning to ‘kicking ass’ and
true sensitivity to the term ‘fear factor.’ ”
–Richard Marcinko, bestselling author of Rogue Warrior
From the Hardcover edition.
March 23, 2003: U.S. Marines from the Task Force Tarawa are caught up in one of the most unexpected battles of the Iraq War. What started off as a routine maneuver to secure two key bridges in the town of Nasiriyah in southern Iraq degenerated into a nightmarish twenty-four-hour urban clash in which eighteen young Marines lost their lives and more than thirty-five others were wounded. It was the single heaviest loss suffered by the U.S. military during the initial combat phase of the war.
On that fateful day, Marines came across the burned-out remains of a U.S. Army convoy that had been ambushed by Saddam Hussein’s forces outside Nasiriyah. In an attempt to rescue the missing soldiers and seize the bridges before the Iraqis could destroy them, the Marines decided to advance their attack on the city by twenty-four hours. What happened next is a gripping and gruesome tale of military blunders, tragedy, and heroism.
Huge M1 tanks leading the attack were rendered ineffective when they became mired in an open sewer. Then a company of Marines took a wrong turn and ended up on a deadly stretch of road where their armored personal carriers were hit by devastating rocket-propelled grenade fire. USAF planes called in for fire support play their own part in the unfolding cataclysm when they accidentally strafed the vehicles. The attempt to rescue the dead and dying stranded in “ambush alley” only drew more Marines into the slaughter.
This was not a battle of modern technology, but a brutal close-quarter urban knife fight that tested the Marines’ resolve and training to the limit. At the heart of the drama were the fifty or so young Marines, most of whom had never been to war, who were embroiled in a battle of epic proportions from which neither their commanders nor the technological might of the U.S. military could save them.
With a novelist’s gift for pace and tension, Tim Pritchard brilliantly captures the chaos, panic, and courage of the fight for Nasiriyah, bringing back in full force the day that a perfunctory task turned into a battle for survival.
"Ambush Alley" is a gut-wrenching account of unadulterated terror that's hard to read yet impossible to put down. London-based journalist and filmmaker Tim Pritchard, who was embedded with US troops during the initial stages of the American-led invasion of Iraq, paints a compelling picture of one of the costliest battles of the Iraq war that will at turns anger, horrify, and sadden, regardless of one's political views."
--The Boston Globe
From the Hardcover edition.
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