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Praise for The Art & Science of Technology Transfer "Phyl Speser′s personality comes across in the text–complicated, intrigued, highly rational, insightful, rich in context, and fun. She had me smiling throughout. This work represents the next chapter of the technology transfer profession′s development, where it will be all about getting to market with a studied awareness of value. Phyl gives us the tools to get there with a great read, just the focus we are needing in the profession."
—Jill A. Tarzian Sorensen, JDExecutive Director, Johns Hopkins Technology Transfer, The Johns Hopkins University "Phyl Speser is one of the pioneers in developing the modern practice of technology transfer and in The Art & Science of Technology Transfer, she shares her experiences and philosophy in a well–written, highly readable book that is packed with case studies of both success and failure."
—Ashley Stevens, Director, Office of Technology Transfer, Boston University "This readable book is a must for anyone wanting to look at the technology transfer process from a novel viewpoint. Rather than just recite the nuts and bolts of the process, it illustrates theoretical concepts with real world, practical examples. Any reader will come away with new and useful ways of looking at, and doing, this business."
—Kenneth H. Levin, PHD, Deputy DirectorUniversity of Chicago Office of Technology & Intellectual Property (UCTech) "An amazing compendium of philosophy, science, and practical experience that converge to form, literally, the art and science of technology transfer. On any given page, you may find a quote from Plato, a mathematical formula, an intriguing anecdote by the author, or a practical ′how–to′ statement. It′s written in a very engaging style that keeps you turning from page to page . . . there′s enough material in this book to launch a college course on Technology Transfer–nothing is left out!"
—David Snyder, Vice President–Technology Commercialization Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) "This is an excellent introduction to sorting out the complex world of technology transfer, eminently useful to both practitionersand students. The text is thorough, filled with the practical examples, details, and guidelines useful to learn and practice this often–arcane subject, while never losing sight of an overarching paradigm for getting new technology out of the lab and into the market. I am certain that other teachers will find it as valuable as I have."
—Lawrence Aronhime, Faculty Associate and Lecturer, The Johns Hopkins University, 2005 recipient Johns Hopkins Alumni Association Excellence in Teaching Award "A clear and entertaining presentation of the complexities of technology transfer and intellectual property, this book provides usable, practical information to students and practitioners on every page. The Art & Science of Technology Transfer provides a well–crafted immersion in the processes and practices of moving ideas into the marketplace."
—Phil Weilerstein, Executive Director,National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA)
Praise for The Art & Science of Technology Transfer "Phyl Speser′s personality comes across in the text–complicated, intrigued, highly rational, insightful, rich in context, and fun. She had me smiling throughout. This work represents the next chapter of the technology transfer profession′s development, where it will be all about getting to market with a studied awareness of value. Phyl gives us the tools to get there with a great read, just the focus we are needing in the profession."
—Jill A. Tarzian Sorensen, JDExecutive Director, Johns Hopkins Technology Transfer, The Johns Hopkins University "Phyl Speser is one of the pioneers in developing the modern practice of technology transfer and in The Art & Science of Technology Transfer, she shares her experiences and philosophy in a well–written, highly readable book that is packed with case studies of both success and failure."
—Ashley Stevens, Director, Office of Technology Transfer, Boston University "This readable book is a must for anyone wanting to look at the technology transfer process from a novel viewpoint. Rather than just recite the nuts and bolts of the process, it illustrates theoretical concepts with real world, practical examples. Any reader will come away with new and useful ways of looking at, and doing, this business."
—Kenneth H. Levin, PHD, Deputy DirectorUniversity of Chicago Office of Technology & Intellectual Property (UCTech) "An amazing compendium of philosophy, science, and practical experience that converge to form, literally, the art and science of technology transfer. On any given page, you may find a quote from Plato, a mathematical formula, an intriguing anecdote by the author, or a practical ′how–to′ statement. It′s written in a very engaging style that keeps you turning from page to page . . . there′s enough material in this book to launch a college course on Technology Transfer–nothing is left out!"
—David Snyder, Vice President–Technology Commercialization Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) "This is an excellent introduction to sorting out the complex world of technology transfer, eminently useful to both practitionersand students. The text is thorough, filled with the practical examples, details, and guidelines useful to learn and practice this often–arcane subject, while never losing sight of an overarching paradigm for getting new technology out of the lab and into the market. I am certain that other teachers will find it as valuable as I have."
—Lawrence Aronhime, Faculty Associate and Lecturer, The Johns Hopkins University, 2005 recipient Johns Hopkins Alumni Association Excellence in Teaching Award "A clear and entertaining presentation of the complexities of technology transfer and intellectual property, this book provides usable, practical information to students and practitioners on every page. The Art & Science of Technology Transfer provides a well–crafted immersion in the processes and practices of moving ideas into the marketplace."
—Phil Weilerstein, Executive Director,National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA)
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