Hide and Seek: The Untold Story of Cold War Naval Espionage捉迷藏:冷战时期海军间谍秘闻 azw3 极速 下载 snb txt pdf pdb 夸克云

Hide and Seek: The Untold Story of Cold War Naval Espionage捉迷藏:冷战时期海军间谍秘闻电子书下载地址
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Through dramatic incidents tells for the first time the full story of the development of Cold War naval intelligence from the end of WWII to the breakup the Soviet Union in 1991, from both sides, East and West. Unlike other accounts, which focus on submarine confrontations and accidents, the authors cover all types of naval intelligence, human collection (racing with the Soviets to capture Nazi subs, successful and losing spies and defectors), signal intelligence (surface, air, satellite and navy commando teams in balaclavas launched by speed boats from subs), acoustic (passive underwater arrays and tapping phone lines), and the aerial and space reconnaissance. The authors give details of operations in all these areas, some of which were witnessed first hand.
"A new light is shed on the spy ships incidents of the 1960s and on submarine intrusions in Swedish waters. Excerpts of the Soviet Navy instructions on UFOs and accounts of Soviet naval encounters with unexplained objects are also published for the first time outside of Russia; and much more."
Note to the Reader.
Chapter One: Victor’s Plunder,1941-1945.
Chapter Two: Penetrations, 1945-1952.
Chapter Three: Allies to Antagonists, 1945-1952.
Chapter Four: Korean War, 1950-1953.
Chapter Five: Requiem for a Battleship, 1955.
Chapter Six: Khrushchev and Crabbe, 1953-1960.
Chapter Seven: Anatomy of Treason, 1958-1964.
Chapter Eight: Cuba, 1962.
Chapter Nine: Transition to War: Vietnam, 1961-1975.
Chapter Ten: A Submarine is Lost and Found, 1968-1974, 1989.
Chapter Eleven: Ocean Surveillance, 1962-1980s.
Chapter Twelve: A Naval Intelligence Revolution, 1970s.
Chapter Thirteen : War Scare and PSYOPS, 1981-1987.
Chapter Fourteen: Swedish Waters, 1980-1990s.
Chapter Fifteen: Spies in Uniform, 1980s.
Chapter Sixteen: Soviet, U. S., ... or Others? 1940-1980s.
Chapter Seventeen: The Legacy of the Soviet Navy, 1989 and After.
Photos credits.
Captain Peter A. Huchthausen, U.S. Navy (Retired), had a distinguished careerserving both at sea and on land as a Soviet naval analyst and a naval attaché in Yugoslavia, Romania, and the Soviet Union. He was the author of three books on the Soviet navy.
Through dramatic incidents tells for the first time the full story of the development of Cold War naval intelligence from the end of WWII to the breakup the Soviet Union in 1991, from both sides, East and West. Unlike other accounts, which focus on submarine confrontations and accidents, the authors cover all types of naval intelligence, human collection (racing with the Soviets to capture Nazi subs, successful and losing spies and defectors), signal intelligence (surface, air, satellite and navy commando teams in balaclavas launched by speed boats from subs), acoustic (passive underwater arrays and tapping phone lines), and the aerial and space reconnaissance. The authors give details of operations in all these areas, some of which were witnessed first hand.
"A new light is shed on the spy ships incidents of the 1960s and on submarine intrusions in Swedish waters. Excerpts of the Soviet Navy instructions on UFOs and accounts of Soviet naval encounters with unexplained objects are also published for the first time outside of Russia; and much more." It was the golden age of cloak and dagger. In the years following the allied victory in World War II, a new breed of men and women entered the U.S. intelligence services, joining those experiencedhands who had survived the war to carry on acovert campaign against a new and wily adversary, the Soviet Union. Naval intelligence has always been acknowledged as one of the key arenas in the Cold War intelligence struggle, but the true details and drama of this fiercecompetition have remained obscure—until now.
Hide and Seek offers the first account of Cold War naval espionage, from the final months of World War II to the fall of the Soviet Union in1991. Based on interviews with Soviet and Western naval intelligence officers, newly availableRussian sources, important Western archivalreleases, and the latest historical research,it is packed with stunning revelations from both sides of the Iron Curtain and chilling anecdotes from the many secret battles waged between the world's two most powerful nations.
This colorful and fast-paced narrative reveals how a German inventor became the father ofthe U.S. Navy's cruise missile system; how aSoviet naval officer and GRU agent handleda French air force general who provided essentialinformation to the Kremlin before, during, andafter the Cuban missile crisis; the astounding truth about the 1964 Tonkin Gulf affair; the real story of the USS Liberty and Pueblo disasters and the metamorphosis of spy ships in theiraftermath; the latest on underwater incursions in Swedish waters; and much more.
Peopled with a motley array of spies, moles, double agents, defectors, techies, military officers, policy wonks, politicians, and more, this comprehensive account goes beyond previousbooks about submarine confrontations and accidents to explore the entire spectrum of navalintelligence. It covers human collection (racing with the Soviets to capture Nazi subs, unsuccessfulattempts by spies and defectors, and attaché intrigues); ocean surveillance; underwater (from passive acoustic systems to tapping phone lines), surface, aerial, and space reconnaissance; and penetration by commando teams in balaclavas launched by speed boats, subs, and trawlers.
Complete with a collection of rare Cold War–era photos as well as riveting, hair-raising, and sometimes hilarious descriptions of actionsbeneath the sea, in outer space, and at allpoints in between, Hide and Seek is engrossing reading for anyone who loves naval history,international intrigue, and the nonstop action of a Tom Clancy novel.
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