环境学基础 盛光摇,李勇,张园 编 azw3 极速 下载 snb txt pdf pdb 夸克云

环境学基础 盛光摇,李勇,张园 编电子书下载地址
Chapter 1 Environment 10
1.1. Introduction 10
1.1.1 Definition of Environment 10
1.1.2 Classification of Environment 13
1.1.3 Characteristics of Environment 13
1.2. Natural environment 14
1.2.1 Atmosphere 14
1.2.2 Hydrosphere 18
1.2.3 Lithosphere 21
1.2.4 Soil 22
1.2.5 Biosphere 24
1.3. Artifi environment 25
1.3.1 Types of Artifi Environment 25
1.3.2 Characteristics of Artifi Environment 25
1.4. Environmental functional attributes 28
1.4.1 Diversity of natural composition and structure 28
1.4.2 Material circulation 29
1.4.3 Energy flow 35
1.4.4 Information transmission 38
1.4.5 The zonal law of the natural environment 39
Discussion questions 43
Further reading 43
Reading 1. What is Environmental History? 43
Reading 2. The Great Smog Begins 49
Reading 3. The Story of Silent Spring 51
References 54
Chapter 2 Environmental problems 56
2.1 Definition of environmental problems 56
2.2 Classification of environmental problems 57
2.3 Environmental problems occurrence and development 60
2.4 The essence of environmental problems 60
2.5 Global environmental problems 61
2.6 China’s environmental problems 104
2.7 Solutions to environmental problems 110
2.7.1 Sustainability 110
2.7.2 Environmental protection 112
2.7.3 Cleaner production 114
2.7.4 Climate change mitigation 116
2.7.5 Restoration ecology 117
Discussion questions 117
Chapter 3 Population and Environment 118
3.1 Population Growth 118
3.2 Impact of Population Growth on Environment 120
3.2.1 The Pressure of Population Growth on Land Resources 120
3.2.2 The Pressure of Population Growth on Water Resources 121
3.2.3 The Pressure of Population Growth on Energy 122
3.2.4 Relationship Between Human and Environment 124
3.2.5 Population Growth and Sustainable Development of Ecological Environment 125
3.3 China's Population Status 127
3.3.1 The Total Fertility Rate is Low, but the Population Growth is Still Large 127
3.3.2 The Overall Quality of the Population is not High 128
3.3.3 Population Aging and the Sex Ratio at Birth is Unbalanced 130
3.3.4 Floating Population Increasing 130
3.3.5 The Pressure of Population on So Security 131
3.4 Suggestions to Solve China's Population Problem 131
3.5 Causes of Human Overpopulation 134
3.6 Effects of Human Overpopulation 135
3.6.1 Loss of Fresh Water 136
3.6.2 Increased Global Warming and Climate Change 137
3.6.3 Species Extinction 138
3.6.4 Depletion of Natural Resources 139
3.6.5 Increased Emergence of New Epidemics and Pandemics 140
3.6.6 Increased Habitat Loss 140
3.7 Overpopulation Solutions 141
Resources 143
Chapter 4 Ecosystem and Ecological Protection 144
4.1 Definition of Ecosystem 144
4.2 Components of Ecosystem 144
4.3 Function of Ecosystem 145
4.3.1 Productivity 146
4.3.2 Decomposition 147
4.3.3 Energy Flow 148
4.3.4 Ecological Pyramids 151
4.3.5 Ecological Succession 153
4.3.6 Nutrient Cycling 155
4.4 Ecological Balance and Ecological Destruction 160
4.4.1 Ecological Balance 160
4.4.2 Ecological Destruction 162
4.5 Application of Ecology in Environmental Protection 167
Discussion questions 168
Chapter 5 Resources, Energy and Environment 169
5.1 Definition and Characteristics of Natural Resources 169
5.2 Classification of Natural Resources 170
5.3 Renewable resource 172
5.3.1 Solar energy 172
5.3.2 Wind energy 192
5.3.3 Geothermal energy 201
5.3.4 Water Resources 209
5.3.5 Air Resource 220
5.3.6 Soil 221
5.3.7 Cultivated Plants 239
5.3.8 Biomass and Bioenergy 240
5.3.9 Animals 253
5.4 Non-renewable resource 254
5.4.1 Coal 254
5.4.2 Oil 255
5.4.3 Peat 256
5.4.4 Uranium 256
5.4.5 Gold 257
5.4.6 Aluminum 257
5.4.7 Sand 258
5.4.8 Iron 258
5.4.9 Phosphate rock 259
5.4.10 Rare earth elements 259
5.5 China’s Energy Supply and Environmental Issues 260
5.5.1 Oil Use 261
5.5.2 Coal Use 262
5.5.3 Natural Gas Use 263
5.5.4 Non-Fossil-Fuel Energy 264
5.5.5 Other Energy Policies 264
5.5.6 Policies That Promote Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency 265
Discussion questions 266
Chapter 6 Air Pollution and Its Prevention and Control 267
6.1 Air Pollution 267
6.1.1 Atmospheric composition 267
6.1.2 Air pollution and pollution sources 273
6.1.3 Air pollutants 274
6.1.4 Air pollution and human health 279
6.2 Atmospheric pollution dynamics 286
6.2.1 Atmospheric vertical structure 286
6.2.2 Air pollution’s meteorological influencing factors 286
6.2.3 Air pollution’s geographical influencing factors 287
6.2.4 Comprehensive utilization of resources and energy 289
6.2.5 Application in other aspects of environmental protection 290
6.3 Global atmospheric environment problem’s formation mechanism and its prevention and control measures 293
6.3.1 Global warming 293
6.3.2 Impact on humans of global warming 295
6.3.3 Comprehensive measures to control global warming 295
6.3.4 Ozone layer damage and prevention measures 296
6.3.5 Acid rain Settlement and control measures 299
6.4 Status of China’s air pollution 300
6.4.1 Overview of China’s air pollution 300
6.4.2 Characteristics of China’s air pollution 303
6.4.3 Prevention and control of China’s air pollution 304
Discussion questions 311
Chapter 7 Water and Water Pollution 312
7.1 Water 313
7.1.1 Water Resources 313
7.1.2 Water Cycle 317
7.1.3 Earth’s Fresh Water 328
7.1.4 Precipitation 328
7.1.5 Global View 329
7.1.6 Surface Water 330
7.1.7 Groundwater 331
7. 2 Water Sources and Water Environment Quality in China 334
7.2.1 Distribution of Water Resources in China 334
7.2.2 Water Pollution Leads to Water Shortage 335
7.2.3 Engineering Water Shortage Caused by Insufficient Water Resources Regulation Capacity 335
7.2.4 Current Water Environment Quality in China 335
7.2.5 Sources and Characteristics of Chemical Pollution 338
7.2.6 Priority Controlling Pollutants 344
7.2.7 Persistent Toxic Pollutants in the Water Environment 348
7.2.8 Pesticides in Water and Health 350
7.2.9 Phthalate Contamination in Water 355
7.2.10 PAHs in water 357
7.3 Water Pollution 359
7.3.1 Water Pollution Sources 359
7.3.2Various Causes of Water Pollution 359
7.3.3 Causes and Effects of Water Pollution 362
7.3.4 Water Pollution Control 368
(1) prove the Riemann Hypothesis;
(2) make 211 not out in the fourth innings of the last Test Match
at the Oval;
(3) find an argument for the non-existence of God which shall
convince the general public;
(4) be the first man at the top of Mount Everest;
(5) be proclaimed the first president of the USSR of Great Britain
and Germany;
(6) murder Mussolini.
Hardy stayed in Denmark with Bohr until the very end of the summer vacation, and when he was obliged to return to England to start his lectures there was only a very small boat available…. The North Sea can be pretty rough, and the probability that such a small boat would sink was not exactly zero. Still, Hardy took the boat, but sent a postcard to Bohr: “I proved the Riemann Hypothesis. G.H. Hardy.”If the boat sinks and Hardy drowns, everybody must believe that he has proved the Riemann Hypothesis. Yet God would not let Hardy have such a great honor and so He will not let the boat sink.
赛尔( Jean-pierre Serre)的《算术教程》( A Course in Arithmetic,1973年)是一本大学生的数论教科书,它包括了下列主题:模形式、p进域、赫克算子,还有,当然!ζ函数。我好笑地想到某个糊涂的母亲为她小学三年级的孩子选了这本书,以帮助他掌握长乘法。
Those five years of unpaid research work must have been hard ones for Bernhard Riemann. He was far from home; it was 120 miles from Göttingen to Quickborn, a two-day journey in great discomfort, and expensive. He did, though, have some company. In 1850 Richard Dedekind arrived at the university. Dedekind was 19, five years younger than Riemann, and was also aiming for a doctorate. It is plain from Dedekind’s biographical note on Riemann in the Collected Works that he felt affection and sympathy for his older colleague, and great admiration for his mathematical abilities; it is more difficult to judge Riemann’s feelings in the matter.
Dec 1849 Gauss to J.F.Encke: 「It recalled to me my own work in the same subject,whose beginning were in the distant past,in 1792 or 1793…one of the first things I did was direct my attention to the decreasing frequency of primes,to which purpose I counted the same in several chiliadis.I have often spent idle quarter of an hour to count another chiliad here and there;but I gave it up at last without quite getting through a million.」
Hardy was a Peter Pan, a boy who never grew up. Snow: “His life remained the life of a brilliant young man until he was old: so did his spirit: his games, his interests, kept the lightness of a young don’s. And, like many men who keep a young man’s interests into their sixties, his last years were the darker for it.”
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