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》Stalingrad(ISBN=9780140284584)电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9780140284584
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:1999-05
  • 页数:493
  • 价格:74.80
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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This gripping account of Germany's notorious campaign combines

sophisticated use of previously published firsthand accounts in

German and Russian along with newly available Soviet archival

sources and caches of letters from the front. For Beevor (Paris

After the Liberation, 1944-1949), the 1942 German offensive was a

gamble that reflected Hitler's growing ascendancy over his military

subordinates. The wide-open mobile operations that took the 6th

Army into Stalingrad were nevertheless so successful that Soviet

authorities insisted they could be explained only by treason. (Over

13,000 Soviet soldiers were formally executed during the battle for

Stalingrad alone.) Combat in Stalingrad, however, deprived the

Germans of their principal force multipliers of initiative and

flexibility. The close-gripped fighting brought men to the limits

of endurance, then kept them there. Beevor juxtaposes the grotesque

with the mundane, demonstrating the routines that men on both sides

developed to cope with an environment that brought them to the edge

of madness. The end began when German army commander Friedrich von

Paulus refused to prepare for the counterattack everyone knew was

coming. An encircled 6th Army could neither be supplied by air nor

fight its way out of the pocket unsupported. Fewer than 10,000 of

Stalingrad's survivors ever saw Germany again. For the Soviet

Union, the victory became a symbol not of a government, but of a

people. The men and women who died in the city's rubble could have

had worse epitaphs than this sympathetic treatment. Agent: Andrew

Nurnberg. History Book Club main selection; BOMC alternate

selection; foreign sales to the U.K., Germany and Russia.

Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text

refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this















[ 注:关于西班牙内战,这里还有一些鲜为人知的事情。在科特鲁班(Kotluban)南部的战争中,第35护卫队步兵师机枪连的指挥官——拉·帕森那利亚的儿子鲁本·瑞兹·伊巴露里——在战争中被杀死。而参加过斯大林格勒战役的四位苏联元帅——沃罗诺夫、马林诺夫斯基、罗科索夫斯基和罗季姆采夫,都曾经是苏联在西班牙派出的军事顾问,肩负着与第64集团军的指挥官舒米洛夫将军同样的职责。早在反对由佛朗哥指挥的包围马德里的非洲集团军群的战争中,沃罗诺夫就指挥北爱尔兰共和军支持者进行了奋勇抗击。 ] 。

罗斯托夫陷落之后,任何鼓励抵抗的方法都为俄国当局所默许。9月8日,斯大林格勒前线的军方报纸刊登出了这样一副照片——一个四肢被捆绑着的小女孩。“如果你心爱的女孩像她一样被法西斯分子捆绑着,你会有什么感受?”图片旁边的文字这样说明道,“他们首先会无耻的强奸她,然后把她扔到一辆坦克底下轧死。勇敢向前冲,把敌人杀死。保护自己所爱的姑娘免遭土匪的强暴是你的责任。”像这样的宣传资料——基本上是康斯坦丁·西蒙诺夫的诗歌《杀死他!》的重复——当然没有任何艺术可言,但是它却代表了那个时代俄国人的最真实的感受。阿列克塞·苏尔科夫的诗歌《我痛恨》,表达了同样的愤怒情绪。德国人对祖国母亲的亵渎只能用复仇的鲜血洗净。 [ 注:显然,1942年夏天有关“强暴”行为的宣传极大地影响了1944年底和1945年进入德国境内的苏联军队的行为,导致了他们大量的强奸行为。 ] 9月9日,第4装甲集团军的一支先遣队,在前进的途中偶然发现了大量《红星报》,其中有伊利娅·爱伦堡写给红军战士的一篇文章,文章的结尾写道:“不要数你已经度过了多少天,不要数你已经行走了多少里路,只需数清楚你杀掉了多少德国鬼子。杀死德国鬼子——这是母亲的祈祷。杀死德国鬼子——这是俄罗斯土地的呼号。不要动摇,不要放弃。勇敢向前冲!”





Hitler made two fundamental and crippling mistakes during the

Second World War: The first was his whimsical belief that the

United Kingdom would eventually become his ally, which delayed his

decision to launch a major invasion of Britain, whose army was

unprepared for the force of blitzkrieg warfare. The second was the

ill-conceived Operation Barbarossa--an invasion of Russia that was

supposed to take the German army to the gates of Moscow. Antony

Beevor's thoughtfully researched compendium recalls this epic

struggle for Stalingrad. No one, least of all the Germans, could

foretell the deep well of Soviet resolve that would become the

foundation of the Red Army; Russia, the Germans believed, would

fall as swiftly as France and Poland. The ill-prepared Nazi forces

were trapped in a bloody war of attrition against the Russian

behemoth, which held them in the pit of Stalingrad for nearly two

years. Beevor points out that the Russians were by no means ready

for the war either, making their stand even more remarkable; Soviet

intelligence spent as much time spying on its own forces--in fear

of desertion, treachery, and incompetence--as they did on the

Nazis. Due attention is also given to the points of view of the

soldiers and generals of both forces, from the sickening battles to

life in the gulags.

Many believe Stalingrad to be the turning point of the war. The

Nazi war machine proved to be fallible as it spread itself too thin

for a cause that was born more from arrogance than practicality.

The Germans never recovered, and its weakened defenses were no

match for the Allied invasion of 1944. We know little of what took

place in Stalingrad or its overall significance, leading Beevor to

humbly admit that "[t]he Battle of Stalingrad remains such an

ideologically charged and symbolically important subject that the

last word will not be heard for many years." This is true. But this

gripping account should become the standard work against which all

others should measure themselves. --Jeremy Storey --This

text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this



Historians and reviewers worldwide have hailed Antony Beevor's magisterial Stalingrad as the definitive account of World War II's most harrowing battle. In August 1942, Hitler's huge Sixth Army reached the city that bore Stalin's name. In the five month siege that followed, the Russians fought to hold Stalingrad at any cost, then caught their Nazi enemy in an astonishing reversal. As never before, Stalingrad conveys the experience of soldiers on both sides as they fought in inhuman conditions, and of civilians trapped on an urban battlefield. Antony Beevor has interviewed survivors and discovered completely new material in a wide range of German and Soviet archives, including reports of prisoner interrogations, desertions, and executions. The battle of Stalingrad was the psychological turning point of World War II; as Beevor makes clear, it also changed the face of modern warfare. As a story of cruelty, courage, and human suffering, Stalingrad is unprecedented and unforgettable.


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