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Some Western business leaders are moving into China without any clear knowledge of the many pitfalls they will encounter: the weak rule of law, forceful governmental intervention, a scarcity of managerial talent, the likelihood of counterfeiting, the fast paced business environment and surprisingly aggressive local competitors. This book uses case studies to both illuminate and examine these key managerial challenges. Each case focuses on a specific topic and is complemented with commentaries from professors and executives who have extensive front-line experience in China. The cases are the product of three-year research and are well-tested in MBA and executive courses.
The authors' philosophy is that readers can learn most effectively through the experience of others captured in real cases! The book includes a broad range of companies, such as Emerson, Eli Lily, General Motors, Peugeot, Carrefour, Daimler-Chrysler, Picanol. It also includes more personal experiences concerning the many challenges of expatriate-living in China , some of whom have started their own businesses.
The book provides concise but insightful analysis to help readers to get the most from the case studies. As a result, this book will help you get better prepared to face the varied challenges you will find in China. These cases complement the material presented in a previous work, China CEO: Voices of Experience from 20 International Business Leaders, also published by John Wiley & Sons.
1 Leadership in China:Putting the heart where the mind is
2 Human resources in China:Chasing the runaway bride
3 Joint ventures:Dancing the Chinese tango
4 Dealing with headquarters:The art of juggling
5 Counterfeiters in China:Catch me if you can
6 Chinese consumers:the new kids on the block
7 Government relationship:Playing Chinese poker
8 Expatriates in China:lost in translation
9 Foreign entrepreneurs:chasing the China dream
Dr. Juan A. Fernandez is Professor of Management at CEIBS, Shanghai, China. He earned his PhD from IESE (Spain) in 1997. He is frequently invited to give presentations on how to manage business enterprises in China by leading multinationals and has recent
作者简介:Dr. Juan A. Fernandez is Professor of Management at CEIBS, Shanghai, China. He earned his PhD from IESE (Spain) in 1997. He is frequently invited to give presentations on how to manage business enterprises in China by leading multinationals and has recently given presentations in China, South Korea, Japan, India, Europe and the United States. His work has been published in Harvard Business Review (Spain), Business Week-China, Organizational Dynamics, Business Strategy Review, and the Asian Case Research Journal. He was the co-author of China CEO: Voices of Experience published by John Wiley & Sons in 2006. His third book, China’s State Owned Enterprise Reforms: An Industrial and CEO Approach, was published by Routledge in 2006.
Book Description
CHINA CEO: A Case Guide for Business Leaders in China
Some Western business leaders are moving into China without any clear knowledge of the many pitfalls they will encounter: the weak rule of law, forceful governmental intervention, a scarcity of managerial talent, the likelihood of counterfeiting, the fast paced business environment and surprisingly aggressive local competitors. This book uses case studies to both illuminate and examine these key managerial challenges. Each case focuses on a specific topic and is complemented with commentaries from professors and executives who have extensive front-line experience in China. The cases are the product of three-year research and are well-tested in MBA and executive courses.
The authors' philosophy is that readers can learn most effectively through the experience of others captured in real cases! The book includes a broad range of companies, such as Emerson, Eli Lily, General Motors, Peugeot, Carrefour, Daimler-Chrysler, Picanol. It also includes more personal experiences concerning the many challenges of expatriate-living in China , some of whom have started their own businesses.
The book provides concise but insightful analysis to help readers to get the most from the case studies. As a result, this book will help you get better prepared to face the varied challenges you will find in China. These cases complement the material presented in a previous work, China CEO: Voices of Experience from 20 International Business Leaders, also published by John Wiley & Sons.
From the Inside Flap
Some Western business leaders are moving into China without any clear knowledge of the many pitfalls they will encounter: the weak rule of law, forceful governmental intervention, a scarcity of managerial talent, the likelihood of counterfeiting, the fast paced business environment and surprisingly aggressive local competitors. This book uses case studies to both illuminate and examine these key managerial challenges. Each case focuses on a specific topic and is complemented with commentaries from professors and executives who have extensive front-line experience in China. The cases are the product of three-year research and are well-tested in MBA and executive courses.
The authors’ philosophy is that readers can learn most effectively through the experience of others captured in real cases! The book includes a broad range of companies, such as Emerson, Eli Lilly, General Motors, Peugeot, Carrefour, Daimler-Chrysler, Picanol. It also includes more personal experiences concerning the many challenges of expatriate-living in China , some of whom have started their own businesses.
The book provides concise but insightful analysis to help readers to get the most from the case studies. As a result, this book will help you get better prepared to face the varied challenges you will find in China. These cases complement the material presented in a previous work, China CEO: Voices of Experience from 20 International Business Leaders, also published by John Wiley & Sons.
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