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》葛传椝英语写作电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9787532761647
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2013-07
  • 页数:424
  • 价格:38.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:大32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
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 1. Composition and Compositions

 2. Purpose of This Book

 3. Your Advantage

 4. Your Special Difficulties

 5. Rhetoric


 6. Materials

 7. One Side or Two Sides?

 8. Margins

 9. Spacing

 10. Titles

 11. Paging

 12. Folding

 13. Endorsing

 14. Spelling

 15. Syllabication

 16. Underlining

 17. Italics

 18. Omissions, Corrections, and Insertions

 19. A Warning


 20. Something to Say

 21. How to Say It

 22. A Consolation

 23. Others May Have Said It before You

 24. What to Read

 25. How to Read

 26. Some Dictionaries Recommended

 27. Self-cultivation

 28. Writing from Memory

 29. Imitation, Conscious and Unconscious

 30. Reading Dictionaries

 31. Expressing Another Person’s Thoughts

 32. Paraphrasing Sentences

 33. Suggestions for Paraphrasing

 34. Paraphrasing Paragraphs

 35. Paraphrasing Verse

 36. Condensing

 37. Various Degrees of Condensation

 38. Suggestions for Condensing

 39. Using Materia1 in Han

 40. Expressing Your Own Thoughts

 41. Keeping a Diary

 42. Choosing a Subject

 43. Choosing a Title

 44. Taking Notes

 45. Making an Outline

 46. Note-taking and Outline-making in the Head

 47. Making Outlines of What You Read

 48. Expanding an Outline

 49. Practice in Composition


 50. What is Correct English?

 51. Usage

 52. Present-day Usage

 53. Neologisms

 54. English and American Usage

 55. Good Usage

 56. Expressions Outside of Good Usage

 57. Colloquialisms Etc in Written English











  2. Purpose of this Book. This book is not confined tocompositions in the narrower sense though these are by no meansneglected. Nor does it claim to teach the writing of novels, shortstories, dramas, poems, literary criticism, newspaper editorials,or scholarly treatises. It gives principles, suggestions, models,and exercises that will help you to express yourself well inEnglish no matter what form of writing you may happen to do.

  This book is written for you, who are supposed to be a Chinesestudent of English having a vocabulary of several thousand wordsand a fair knowledge of grammar, but having had little practice inwriting, and even less in speaking, the language. From the use ofthis book you may expect to acquire the art of expression inEnglish — on condition that you do all the exercises carefully,preferably under the guidance of a competent teacher, and act uponall the principles and suggestions as far as possible.

  3. Your Advantage. As I have said in the above, you “aresupposed to be a Chinese student of English ... having had littlepractice in writing, and even less in speaking the language”. Ifyou had been brought up in an English-speaking family, you would nodoubt have more freedom of expression in the use of English thanyou have. But you have your advantage too. Just because you havenot been brought up in an English-speaking family, you will besaved a great deal of trouble of trying to unlearn many errors andfaults peculiar to those having been brought up on English. You arenot, for instance, in the habit of using the notorious doublenegative, as in “I don’t know nothing about him”, which manyEnglish-speaking children say when they ought to say “I knownothing about him” or “I don’t know anything about him”.

  Much of the material that is usually found in books ofcomposition written for English-speaking students is thereforequite useless to you — perhaps as useless as any method of gettingrid of the cigarette habit would be to non-smokers.

  4. Your Special Difficulties. Being the kind of student youare, you have certain special difficulties in learning Englishcomposition. You are perhaps a better speller than the averageEnglish or American schoolboy is; you have perhaps had morepractice in parsing and analysis than he has; you perhaps know agreat many words that he does not know. But you find it much moredifficult to express many common ideas and thoughts than he does;you are far less good at the use of many common words than he is;you may even make such ridiculous mistakes as he never dreamsof.

  A large part of this book is devoted to helping you to conquerthese difficulties.

  5. Rhetoric. The two words “and Rhetoric” might have beenadded to the title of this book. You would like to have them added,wouldn’t you? At any rate, you must not think that thehigh-sounding word “rhetoric” as used in the titles of so manyAmerican books of English composition has anything “deep” in it. Infact, it is practically equivalent to “composition” or “the art orpractice of writing”, as can be seen from the following definitionof the term quoted from a very popular book of “Composition andRhetoric”: “Rhetoric consists of the study of the principlesgoverning the clear, forceful, and elegant expression of thoughts”.Such books, which are often called “rhetorics” (with the singular“a rhetoric”) in America, do not teach anything that is not taughtin those having only the more homely word “composition” in theirtitles.

  If I have dropped the word “rhetoric” from the title of thisbook, however, it is not merely because the term would sound moreor less like an Americanism or because it would not have muchmeaning. There are two other reasons. First, this book is not aformal treatise on rhetoric in the old-fashioned sense of the word:it does not make a parade of the many jaw-breaking rhetorical termsthat are of little use except as an essential part of a knowledgeof rhetoric, such as “asyndeton”, “oxymoron”, and “syllepsis”.Secondly, this book abstains from advising the observance of manyrules that exist only from a narrowly rhetorical point of view: itmentions some of them only to condemn them as superstitions, suchas “A sentence should not begin with ‘and’” and “A sentence shouldnot end with a preposition”.



First,don't look upon the study of grammar as all or nearly all that you have to do in learning to write correctly.Important as it is,grammar is not everything.

Secondly,don't indulge in much reasoning from the definitions;that would be sheer waste of time and energy.

Thirdly,don't be a slave to grammatical terms,about which uniformity does not prevail。

Fourthly,don't draw hasty conclusions from one or two examples.

Fifthly,don't cling to any narrowly grammatical point of vie at the expense of idiom.There are many idiomatic constructions that do not admit of grammatical analysis.

Sixthly,don't treat the study or grammar merely as something curious or fascinating,though you may delight in the philosophy or science of the language.

Seventhly,don't conte...

When you read a story in English,do you read it for the story or for the English ?This is a question that is not so foolish as it may seem.For I find that many students of English pay far more attention to the story than to the English.They read and enjoy and for a long time afterwards remember the story, but do not care to study the use of words and phrases in it.

First,don't try to find out how or why a particular idiom has come into existence.(其实我很怀疑真的会有人这样做么?难道是个处女座……)

Secondly,don't try to alter any idiom.

Thirdly,don't invent any idiom by analogy.

Fourthly,don't neglect any expression because you do not think it has its Han equivalent.

There appear to be many Chinese students who have read a number of books on grammar and composition and done many exercises in correcting and improving sentences and yet cannot write even tolerable English.

Of course you have occasion to speak and write theHan language every day.Just ask yourself the question"How shall I sayit in English?",and you will find something for practice in Englishcomposition.You will find far more material than you have time forevery day.

Read any page in anybook carefully,and you will perhaps find some expressions that willhelp you to say things.

Many of such expressions may seem to you to betoo simple to deserve much attention,but you cannot invent them,nor can you use them unless you have noted them.

(There appear to be manyChinese students who have read a number of books on grammar and composition and done many exercises in correcting and improving sentences and yet cannot write even tolerable English.)

The trouble is that they may either have not read widely enough or have not read carefullyenough.



  ★ 由英语学界泰斗、英文教育界先驱、陆谷孙恩师葛传椝先生撰写。

  ★ 全书以简明地道的英文写成。

  ★ 指出中国英语学习者在写作中遇到的难题并一一解答。

  ★ 包含摘自现代英语中的大量实例。

  ★ 配以切合实际的练习题,巩固写作技巧。

  ★ 对惯用法、习语和遣词造句等有关问题进行了详实阐述。



The present volume is a revised edition of my A Textbook of EnglishComposition first published in 1941. The revising has been done inaccordance with the same strongly held beliefs as those that Iacted upon in writing the original work. These beliefs are asfollows:

1. Such a book ought never to lose sight of the fact that it isintended for Chinese students, who have their special difficultiesand therefore need special advice and warning. Since they have notbeen brought up in English-speaking families and since they studyEnglish chiefly as something written rather than spoken, they areignorant of a great many everyday expressions that are only toocommon on the lips of those whose mother tongue is English. On theother hand, they are quite safe from a great many faults in dictionand construction that most English and American students ofcomposition have to take care to unlearn before they can hope towrite respectable English.

2. Such a book ought to aim at the art of writing English forpractical purposes instead of at authorship. The object of theaverage student of English composition, whatever his nationality,is to learn to express himself in written English, not to learn tobecome a professional author.

3. Such a book ought not to confine itself to the treatment ofschool compositions. While most students may never wish to writeprofessionally, it does not follow that all that they will everhave to do in the way of English composition is to write shortessays on given subjects, or what is called in American schools“themes”.

4. Such a book ought not to content itself with imparting aknowledge of the art of writing English. Principles and rules areof little use until they are applied.

5. Such a book ought to give such principles and rules; only as arebased upon the actual practice of good authors. Some of those foundin nearly every popular manual of composition serve no definitepurposes and therefore prove to be only so many handicaps in thepath of the writer of English, who has enough to take care ofwithout the interference of those unnecessary “technical”restrictions.

6. Such a book ought to teach present-day English only. Living asthey do at the present day, students of composition should in noway be taught or encouraged to follow the usage and practice ofauthors of bygone days.

7. Such a book ought to be written on the assumption that itsreaders are careful students but that they are not students ofprecocious ability. No book can teach anything to careless studentsor to those who feel little or no interest in the subject. Nor isit advisable to take too much for granted in Chinese students ofEnglish, who are necessarily supposed to have made progress intheir studies with the help of dictionary and grammar.

Whatever shortcomings some critical readers may find in this book,I take a pride in pointing out that the whole work is my own. Ishould like to make special mention of the fact that theillustrative examples have been, except in a very few cases, takenat first hand, and that for the purpose of collecting such examplesI read a very large number of books, newspapers, and magazines. Nota single sentence has been quoted from any work written in thenineteenth century. In this new edition a large number of newerexamples have been added or substituted, most of the authorshappily still alive.

It remains for me to thank Comrade Yu Shiwen (? Conyoon) for hishelp in the preparation of this revised edition. I have also toexpress my gratitude to the late Comrade Gui shaoxu, who was thefirst to encourage me to write a book of this kind.


         October, 1983




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