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The Elegant Solution最佳方案:丰田的创新模式书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9781416538141
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2007-12
  • 页数:236
  • 价格:241.10
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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Un an unceasing quest to innovate and do more with tess, Toyota is dri-i ven by a phil.osophy that has made it one of the ten most profitabte companies in the wortd. In The Elegant Solution, a former insiderreveats the hidden creative process behind Toyota's astounding success, begin-ning with the imptementation of one million new ideas everyyear--cuLted fromevery Level. of the organization, from the factory floors to the corporate suites. Asformer Toyota advisor Matthew May exptains, any company can foster an envi-ronment of constant innovation and discover the el.egant sol.utions that canchange their games.


Foreword by Kevin Roberts

Backstory: One Million Ideas

Introduction: In Search of Elegance


 1  The Art of Ingenuity

  Business meets art and science in an emergingview of work.

 2  The Pursuit of Perfection

  Conventional wisdom forcing a choice betweensmall steps and big leaps misses the point.

 3  The Rhythm of Fit

  What distinguishes great innovation is its ability to serve the changing needs of society.


 4  Let Learning Lead

  Learning and innovation go hand in hand, but learning comes first.

 5  Learn to See

  Elegant solutions often come from customers-- get out more and live in their worM.

 6  Design for Today

  Focus on clear and present needs, or your greatideas remain just that.

 7  Think in Pictures

  Make your intentions visual--you'll surpriseyourself with the image.

 8 Capture the Intangible

  The most compelling solutions are oftenperceptual and emotional.

  Leverage the Limits

 9 Restraining forces rule--resource constraints can

  spur ingenuity.

 10 Master the Tension

  Breakthrough thinking demands something tobreak through.

 11 Run the Numbers

  Think for yourself--temper instinct with insight,focus on facts, and do the math.

 12 Make Kaizen Mandatory

  Pursuing perfection requires great discipline--create a standard, follow it, and flnd a better way.

 13 Keep It Lean

  Complexity kills scale it back, make it simple,and let it flow.


 14 The Clamshell Strategy

  Management plays a key role in reeeasing thepower of front-line innovation.

 15 The Elegant Solution

  A team in pursuit of the elegant solution tapsthe full formula in one session.

AfterwordmWords of Encouragement

Notes & Credits













Book Description

"Toyota is becoming a double threat: the world's finest manufacturer and a truly great innovator . . . that formula, a combination of production prowess and technical innovation, is an unbeatable recipe for success."

-- Fortune, February 2006

For the first time, an insider reveals the formula behind Toyota's unceasing quest to innovate and do more with less, a philosophy that has made it one of the ten most profitable companies in the world (and worth more than GM, Ford, DaimlerChrysler, and Honda combined). In a rare look into Toyota's ability to consistently achieve breakthroughs that outperform the competition, The Elegant Solution explains what Toyota associates have known all along: it's not about the cars. Rather, Toyota's astounding success is just the visible result of a hidden creative process that begins with a seven-digit number.

One million. That's how many new ideas the Toyota organization implements every year. These ideas come from every level of the organization -- from the factory floors to the corporate suites. And organizations all over the world want to learn how it's done. Now senior University of Toyota advisor Matthew May shows how any company can achieve an environment of everyday innovation and discover the kinds of elegant solutions that hold the power to change the game forever. World-class benchmarks like Lexus, Prius, Scion -- even Toyota's vaunted production system -- are simply shining examples of elegant solutions.

A tactical playbook for team-based innovation, The Elegant Solution delivers powerful lessons in breakthrough thinking in a provocative yet practical guide to the three core principles and ten key practices that shape successful business innovation. Innovation isn't just about technology -- it's about value, opportunity, and impact. When a company embeds a real discipline around tapping ingenuity in the pursuit of perfection, the sky is the limit. Dozens of case studies (from Toyota and other companies) illustrate the universal power and applicability of these concepts. A unique "clamshell strategy" prepares managers to successfully lead and sustain the innovation effort.

At once a thought-starter and a taskmaster, The Elegant Solution is a vital prescription for anyone wanting to truly master business innovation.


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